Julia has worked in the Games industry for over 20 years. She has worked on literally hundreds of games and has in-depth knowledge of voice acting and performance capture from her perspective as a voice director and casting director. She cares deeply about actors and works actively to connect actors with the knowledge they need to grow their careers.
Speaking & Press


Events & Features

Article Feature by Todd Martens
"But casting director Julia Bianco Schoeffling has seen too many pros approach the video game medium without proper preparation. That’s one reason she wrote a book, “The Art and Business of Acting for Video Games,” which intermixes firsthand stories with practical advice. It opens with an unnamed celebrity actor who balked at taking off a baseball cap in an engineering booth (they compromised on turning the cap around). Throughout the book she tackles such topics as union and nonunion jobs, nondisclosure agreements and old-fashioned acting advice for the motion-capture stage..."

Times reporter Todd Martens, left, participates in a House of Moves motion-capture demo with actor Anjali Bhimani.
(Christina House / Los Angeles Times)
Podcasts & Interviews

Panel Interview

with Sean Rohani; Episodes 79 and 80

with Victoria Atkin; Season 3 Episode 3

with Valerie Morehouse

and the Halp Network

"Video game voice acting is more diverse than it has been in the past"

"Who Should Entrepreneurs Follow On Twitter?"

"The Video Game Casting Tips Actors Need, According to Veteran CD Julia Bianco Schoeffling"

“5 things I wish someone told me before I became an Executive”